Financial Data 2019-2020

YWCA Greenwich’s donors have entrusted us to spend their dollars wisely. In return, we promise to invest their funds in the most effective ways possible.

The bottom line of liabilities and net assets of the organization remained essentially flat during a tumultuous year. When YWCA Greenwich closed and suspended most programs in March, it became important to review and project the impact of this on YWCA Greenwich's revenues, expenses, and cash position. Given the uncertainty of the duration of the closure and the return to normal operations, Management and the Board of Directors set aside a prudent amount of investment assets for operational cash needs. YWCA Greenwich subsequently obtained a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan, putting YWCA Greenwich in a solid position for 2021. The long-term liability reflected below is the long-term portion of the PPP loan, which we expect to be forgiven. YWCA Greenwich retained all of its employees during this difficult time.

For more detailed financial statements and discussion, please see the latest Audited Financial Statements and Form 990 by clicking the link below.

Total assets

2020: $16,222,462

2019: $16,190,196

Total liabilities and net assets

2020: $16,222,462

2019: $16,190,196